Salman Khan Dabang: Is he really that bad person, or its just his bad luck?

People know him as a brat, foul mouthed possessive play boy who loses his temper so easily that he can punch you anytime in your face, but do we actually know the truth about Salman Khan. Is he really that bad person, or its just his bad luck, some ill calculated decisions, and the wrath of media which has painted him as the ‘Dabang’ (Goon) of Bollywood.
He has again pulled off a ‘good Samaritan’ job, which will not only make his fans go proud on him, but it will be a solid reply to all those nay-sayers, who criticize Sallu Bhai.
Recently, he was in Wai, doing the shooting for his next movie ‘Dabang’. It attracted a lot of crowd from every corner. We all know the fan fare Sallu enjoys, so it is a normal thing for Salman. But in this huge crowd, a lot of aged people were also present. As usual Salman was very polite to them. He used to meet them on the sets, and exchanged pleasantries. Not only this, he also invited them over lunch. Then he comes to know that many aged people in that village have eye problem. Many had poor vision, sore eyes, and even cataract.

Salman couldn’t see them in this condition, and he called an eye surgeon and his team from Mumbai into that village. He asked them to do a thorough checkup of all those people. He was told that most of them has cataract. Salman brought all of them to a Pune hospital, and got them operated. He also took care of the post surgery medicines.

“When first checked it was found that 26 aged people were suffering from cataract problems. Salman accompanied them to Pune for their surgeries. The following week he took another 22 old folks to Pune and had their cataract surgeries performed too.” Revealed a source.

Well, now my question is to everyone. How many media reporters, gossip mongers, or the News Channel wallahs do we know, who try to paint him black, has ever helped a cataract patient (or any person who has some ailment.). It is certainly easy to pass a judgment and malign someone. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to be a human. And Salman has yet again proved that he is a good human being.

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