For Sachin Tendukar, he will take the Mangoes, and for Aishwarya, the Guavas!

We’ve heard of public places, parks, auditoriums and even stadiums, or roads and streets named after celebrities  and important social figures. But, wonder of wonders, there’s some bit of news, that’s bound to surprise you!
Reportedly, a distinguished man named Haji Kalimullah, The Mango King, of a place in India called Malihabad, who is also a recipient of the Padma Shri, has claimed that he has developed a new breed of Mangoes, which he has named Sachin.
The new variety of mangoes are developed by a unique method of bringing out a cross breed between the Chausa and the Amin Gulal Shah,( This is also a variety developed by the Mango King). Reportedly, the shape of this variety named after the cricket legend, is just as straight as the Dussehri. It has a gentle pointed end and has a left bend. The fruit is a very different variety than the ones already available in our markets.

Not only has that, the Mango King, also developed a variety of Guavas, which he has named Aishwarya. According to sources, this variety of the Guava has a distinct reddish glow to it. That is what made the Mango King; decide to name it after the bollywood beauty Ash.

Now, to put a real tag of honor for all his efforts, Padma Shri Haji Kalimullah has said those when these fruits are ready, and in full bloom, he would personally go and gift them to the celebrities.

For Sachin, he will take the Mangoes, and for Aishwarya, the Guavas .If he would not be able to make it, then he will send his son with the gifts, says he!

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