Shahrukh Khan(King Khan) Inspirations to Hollywood

The Bollywood King, Shah Rukh Khan  has started giving ‘gyaan’ to his fellow film makers and technicians in Bollywood. He has reportedly asked the Indian film makers to ‘learn from the Hollywood’, and moreover, he has given a three- point suggestion, so that we can make movies with a Global appeal.
He was speaking at inaugural session of ‘FICCI FRAMES-2010′, where he said that our filmmakers needs to learn screenplay writing from Hollywood, Visual effects and also some discipline and professionalism, again, from Hollywood. But he did add that in a bid to learn screenplay writing, we should not forget our own style.

‘However, learning Hollywood screenplay and technology is not about losing the intrinsic quality of our stories. We must maintain our own cinematic individuality,’ he said.

He supported the joint ventures with Hollywood to nurture its rather different story format, & the musical drama format, which is actually very famous in the west. He also suggested the filmmakers to understand that the screenplay writing is science rather than art, and if we treat it in that way then only we will be able to rub shoulders with Hollywood, and also they would share their experience with us. Presently, this exchange of knowledge is not happening because of the difference in technique and approach.

‘The big investment we are looking for from Hollywood is the training of mechanics for running machines for visual effects. We need to develop people who can make us our own cheaper, better and faster softwares for filmmaking and have a special branch of trained visual effect teams and talent here,’ Shah Rukh added.

He said that we should learn discipline and organization from Hollywood.

‘This organization already exists in other Indian businesses, but is woefully lacking in the business of films. This (organization) also needs to filter down to the film distribution systems based on their models and learn the science of marketing films,’ Shah Rukh added.

He summed up his speech by saying that we need a ‘symbiotic relationship’ with Hollywood, so that we both could be helpful for each other. This will also increase the foreign investment in India.

‘The time has come for having a symbiotic relationship where we can both feed off the knowledge that we have instead of just the movies. The economics will follow. Then, Bollywood and Hollywood together can have a global audience watching our movies,’ Shah Rukh said.

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