Shahrukh Khan: Write Hollywood prescription for the Bollywood

Hollywood is a film world that has more mass-popularity and global-acceptance basically for 2 things:
"Language (English)"
"Its technology and visual effects that’s far more superior to its Bollywood counterpart"
And Doctor SRK has written out a prescription for the Bollywood that’s ailing from lack of mass appeal. Though, Bollywood is one of the biggest industries, when it comes to screenplay and technical effects, it falls short of the grades scored by Holly flicks like Spiderman, Harry Potter and the likes.

SRK says, “The big investment we are looking for from Hollywood is the training of mechanics for running machines for visual effects. We need to develop people who can make us our own cheaper, better and faster softwares for filmmaking and have a special branch of trained visual effect teams and talent here.”

However, SRK knows about the uniqueness that is synonymous with brand Bollywood and aptly remarks, “However, learning Hollywood screenplay and technology is not about losing the intrinsic quality of our stories. We must maintain our own cinematic individuality.”

He summons Bollywood to embark on the voyage to perfection and give Hollywood an equally strong company. “The time has come for having a symbiotic relationship where we can both feed off the knowledge that we have instead of just the movies. The economics will follow. Then, Bollywood and Hollywood together can have a global audience watching our movies,” he signs off.

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