Jacqueline Fernandez play as model for adult magazine

Jacqueline Fernandez play as model for adult magazine: The bubbly, chirpy girl of Aladin and Jaane Kahan Se Aayi Hai was desperately looking for an image change, and see what opportunity dropped in her lap. Jacqueline Fernandez will play a model who poses for an adult magazine in Murder 2.

She is the gal chosen over Mallika Sherawat for the Murder sequel opposite Emraan Hashmi. Director Mohit Suri himself claims that the movie is going to be high on erotic content. Jacqueline plays the centrespread model of a magazine which is like the Indian Playboy. She will up the erotica level set by Bipasha Basu in Jism and Mallika in Murder.

The girl, as heard, is working on how to set the big screen ablaze with her oomph. According to Jacqueline, her earlier films were for boys but this is going to be for men.

About Murder 2, Mohit is quoted as saying, “It's a thriller exploring the world of prostitutes, transvestites, pimps and gigolos. It is not a film for the young. Jacqueline will be going far ahead of anything seen so far in terms of the erotic content.”

Will she dare to bare all for the film?

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