Aamir Khan The Biggest Bollywood star looks like a washerman

Aamir Khan News: Trust Aamir Khan  to do something out of the ordinary and with a different essence from the entire Khan clan!
Recently, the star was seen with a get up of a washerman, with a big moustache, white lose pajamas and shirt which was hanging lose on his shoulders, and the trademark red cotton towel hung over his left shoulder.

The look, which is going to be his next promotional venture for a satellite company, which he has been endorsing for quite sometime now, is also a part promotion for the look that he is going to be seen in his home production ‘Dhobi Ghaat’, being directed by his wife.

Aamir Khan, who has a very significant and important role to play in the flick, has this get up which in itself is a pointer to his dedicated fascination to his art.

Whatever image the actor projects, it is always, almost perfect to a ‘T’. Thus, when he turned up in this washerman avatar called the ‘Dhobi’, in local dialect, everyone was zapped to see the perfection with which the star had got on the get –up!
Thus, if you want to see this look of Aamir, keep an eye on the small screen, for the commercial to be aired, which is going to be soon!

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